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Truckee, California
Truckee is situated 6,000 ft up in the Sierra Nevada, amid spectacular mountains, lakes, and forests. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, it is 20 miles north of Lake Tahoe, 30 minutes from Reno, and 3 hours from San Francisco.
Whatever the time of year, there is more to do and see in and around Truckee and Reno than you can probably fit in, which gives you the perfect reason for coming back.
If you are coming from lower elevations, give yourself 24 hours to acclimate to the altitude - doing Mairi's Wedding straight off the plane is not a good idea!
Find out more about Truckee here!

The workshop and dance will be held at the Truckee Community Arts Center
located at
10046 Church St., Truckee CA 96161
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